Saturday, December 12, 2009



The Children of Israel
And believers of today,
Have much in common
In our learning The Way.

Faced with great odds
They were led to the Sea,
Having no backup plan
If the Sea did not flee!

With Pharoah thundering down
And escape routes blocked,
Unto God's timely action
They were obviously locked!

God's miraculous deliverance 
Was a pattern for us today;
Foiling our backup plans,
His Spirit must hold sway.

Being brought to the Jordan
With Canaan the destination,
No possible human resources
Causes much consternation!

We have the precedent
Of His opening Sea and River;
With our step of faith, (Rom. 6:6, 11)
 He will surely us deliver!

When the only way out is up,
We're locked into His grace.
We have known His hand;
Now, we must see His face!

Having crossed the Red Sea
With salvation from our sin, 
At the Jordan He sets us free
From the reign of flesh within. (Gal. 5:24)

Having been faithful to us then
He will meet us in our trouble,
With works in our strength
Being wood, hay and stubble.

Being "crucified with Christ" (Gal. 2:20)
In His Cross we glory, (Gal. 6:14a)
Being seated at His right hand--(Eph. 2:6)
A fitting end to the story! 

-     C. R. Solomon 12-12-09