Monday, May 17, 2010

Fwd: Registration for conf. RSBC

Praise the Lord & thanks for the prayers...

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mary Aman <>
Date: May 16, 2010 11:20:48 PM EDT
To: John Woodward <>
Subject: Registration for conf. RSBC

Hi Bro. John,

What a sweet spirit we have enjoyed all day!!!  It is just SO exciting to see these people of all ages finally "get it"!!!

One man w/ a pentecostal background--65 years old--is one of the hardest workers we have.  He went in the cafeteria & met you while you were setting up after you first got there Thursday--Allen Gill.  He has always pushed himself beyond what he should at times to do things around the church b/c that is what he believed God expected of him.  There was just no getting through to him.  I honestly wondered if he would ever be open to believing the truth.  I told Tommy earlier last week that I surely wished he would go to the conference.  Tommy just said, "Yes, but you know Bro. Allen."
Well, Thursday he had been at the church cutting grass most of the day b/c he wanted it to look nice for the visitors Thursday night. (Yes, we appreciate this attitude!)  Well, while you were setting up & I was back in the kitchen baking cookies, Bro. Allen came in to the kitchen to get water & cool down.  I told him that he should just stay for the conference that night since his wife was out of town & he'd just be at home alone.  Then, I told him that you & Tommy were in the cafeteria if he wanted to go in and meet you.  So, he did & he liked you so much right off that he decided to go home & get cleaned up & come back to the conference.  He shared an awesome testimony about the conference this morning.  Then, this REALLY shocked me...his wife told me after church that he got so much out of the conference that he wants to sit down with her and go through his whole conference notebook with her and explain everything!  Wow!!!  That is really exciting!!!  Here was 1 man that I thought was a case of  "this is one too set in his ways to ever see him change!!!"  Man, did I ever underestimate the poser of God!!!  HOW thrilling!!!

Resting in HIM!