Monday, September 27, 2010



"And as it was in the days of Noah," 
They married, ate, and drank; (Luke 17:26)
Ignoring the warnings given,
Into the waters they sank.

"Likewise" . . . in "the days of Lot,"
They drank, farmed and built; (Luke 17:28a)
Though warned of godless living,
They were destroyed by their guilt.

"Even thus it shall be in the day
When the Son of man is revealed"; (Luke 17:30)
With such graphic admonitions,
Should we allow our doom be sealed?

"Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; (Luke 17:33)
Whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it". 

-C. R. Solomon Sept. 25, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010



Laboring to enter rest— (Heb. 4:9, 10)
A contradiction in terms,
The natural mind cannot receive (1 Cor. 2:14)
That which the Word affirms.

Losing our lives to save them (Matt. 16:25)
Is another mind-bender;
Trying to 'figure it out'
Can only the Spirit hinder!

Dying in order to live, (2 Cor. 4:11, 12)
In the spiritual life a must—
Only His direct revelation
Allows us our Lord to trust.

When we're reduced to nothing,
He can be all things; 
As He becomes our life, (Col. 3:4)
All that's within us sings! (Ps. 71:22, 23)

-  C. R. Solomon 9-6-10