Tuesday, April 7, 2009


"Preaching. . . the cross", "the power of God", (1 Cor. 1:18)
Is the need of the Church today;
But it will not be our portion
While the flesh yet holds sway.

With pastor and people broken,
We can know the Church of old;
Those who are "crucified with Christ" (Gal. 2:20)
Will have a witness bold. (Acts 4:13)

The watching world waits,
Though not knowing what it's seeing;
So there must be a major shift
From frenetic 'doing' to 'being'.

All believers "have crucified the flesh", (Gal. 5:24)
But few have had illumination;
We can know the 'old man' died (Rom. 6:6)
But still be lacking in revelation. (Rom. 6:11)

The weakened state of the Church today
Makes it impotent to lead the way;
With the world approaching chaos,
The Church must no longer stray.

"Thus saith the Lord" is the maxim (Zech. 8:3)
That we all need to hear;
A broken Church, in a broken world,
Will cause it to draw near.

With the "life. . .of Jesus". . . "made manifest", (2 Cor. 4:11)
The Church will regain respect;
Continued ministry in human strength--
The world can, and should, reject!

The Church empowered by the Spirit,
With dead men made alive-(Rom. 6:3-6)
"Preaching. . .the cross", "the power of God", (1 Cor. 1:18)
Will cause the Church to thrive.

C. R. Solomon 4-6-09

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